

Areatecnica is an engineering company that operates in the field of technical planning, design and consulting in important, rapidly growing areas, such as:

  • construction and infrastructures;
  • energy from renewable sources and technological systems;
  • security engineering and Fire Safety Engineering (FSE).


as well as offering specialist consulting and project design services.


AREATECNICA is organised through the associated studio Areatecnica Vigne Associati and the project design company Areatecnica s.r.l., which work together in close synergy, with staff and resources organised to provide clients with a complete service every step of the way.


Thanks to a group of highly qualified professional figures, Areatecnica is able to coordinate the various project disciplines, offering clients a one-stop-shop solution for all the technical services necessary to guarantee the best possible quality.


Reliability and top professional expertise are guaranteed thanks to the extensive experience built up by the Group since the end of the 1970s.


In 2003 Areatecnica obtained the UNI EN ISO 9001 quality certification for design, technical consultancy, construction supervision and site safety (IAF sectors34) of civil engineering, architecture, fire safety engineering and civil plant engineering works in favor of public and private clients.

Our quality policy is available for consultation by request via e-mail at:


The key aspects of our design engineering service are:


An innovative approach to project design and concept development
This is where our technical skills lie, consistently tailored to the requests of the client and able to guarantee continual improvement and practical innovation. Our highly qualified designers devise and develop projects, bringing added value to each phase.


Consulting and support
The experience and resources of our project designers allow us to offer an outstanding level and variety of interconnected services, including work projects and estimates, environmental impact and energy saving studies, LEED services and value engineering.


Production issues /tackling change

Thanks to our excellent project design skills and service, we are able to revise calculations and produce new designs with impressive speed. We have numerous systems and methods that allow us to monitor the progress of a project and to keep clients constantly updated on progress and effective delivery times.

In each of our projects, Areatecnica works hand in hand with the client, much more closely than in the traditional client/project designer relationship. At Areatecnica, we have gained lengthy, wide-ranging experience in understanding the process of change and evolution and the importance of interaction between project team members. We are actively engaged in dialogue with benchmark groups and business units so that this process of change can be operated right across the board.

Areatecnica has amply demonstrated its talent for teamwork, in cooperation with other consultants, providing linking support and playing a coordinating role with a number of different teams of specialists.
