05 Aug Published the new book by Michele and Gianluca Vigne on fire prevention
“Fire prevention: update of the technical regulation for health facilities“, is the title of the book published by DEI – Typography of Civil Engineers – Rome, made by the authors Michael and Gianluca Vigne. A dedicated guide, both Technicians who are interested in fire safety in health facilities, both to the heads of the structures themselves, in the light of Decree 19 March 2015 – Update of the rule of fire prevention technique for the design, construction and operation of public and private health facilities under the Decree 18 September 2002 – which streamlines the provisions contained in the previous technical regulation. The richness of images, diagrams and graphic examples make this a real operating manual, assist the implementation of what is already provided for by Law 189/2012, which established, among other things, changing the rules for fire fighting equipment health facilities, materialized in the Ministerial Decree of 19 March 2015.