17 Oct Published the Book of Michele and Gianluca Vigne on the new fire prevention

17.10.12-libro prevenzione incendiPresented to Made Expo in Milan and the SAIE in Bologna, the publication made by the authors Michele and Gianluca Vigne, “Fire prevention new simplification discipline according to DM 7 August 2012

This is the title of the the book published by DEI – Typography of Civil Engineers – Rome, which aims to comment and analyze innovations and simplifications introduced by the new fire prevention regulations with comparisons of the DPR 151/2011 and the recent DM 7 August 2012 with the preceding provisions. Meaning, simplifications and innovations introduced by the new regulations are detailed in volume through the detailed examination of the Regulations and, to make it easier consultation and understanding, have been included prospectuses, tables and a collection of the most significant responses to questions of the Ministry formulated by the commands of the Fire Department and the users, especially for the proper identification of activities subject to controls. In the book you have been included also the indications for Professionals and Technicians who need to apply the new rules and to link it properly to the previous, in reference to the existing practice acts Command of the Fire Department.
